As adults, we know that life is unpredictable. There are surprises around each bend in…
Introducing afO’s first directorial apprentice

We could not be more thrilled to announce that we have, for the first time, an apprentice director working alongside our Artistic Director, Lauren Nichols, for the entire season. Miss Kayla Reed is no stranger to all for One: She toured for two seasons with our Character Counts program, she submitted plays to the Young Playwrights Festival, performed winning plays onstage, and for the past two years has been serving an administrative internship with our office. She currently serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Annual Young Playwright’s Festival. Kayla is studying at St. Francis University, Fort Wayne, pursuing a major in Law and a minor in Theater.
Kayla is directing Prisoner of Joy, with some support from Lauren. Meanwhile, Lauren directs A Mighty Fortress, with assistance from Kayla. This division of labor has already proven very beneficial for both casts, used valuable rehearsal time efficiently, and has given Kayla hands-on experience with research, blocking and leading rehearsals. You will be reading more from her as she helps prepare the dramaturgy this season.