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Longing for the Light

Many of you will be aware that we premiered a new Christmas piece last December. But you may not have realized that this is a piece of repertoire that we intend to produce each Christmas season. 

For many years afO has produced four Main Stage shows each season. Inevitably that means that one of them will fall in November. We’ve had some success in selecting a Christmas-oriented play for this slot, but this generally meant that it was set at Christmas time, not that Christmas per se would be part of the story. In fact, focusing on Baby Jesus in the manger when it’s not even Thanksgiving yet always seemed awkward. And yet…we are the area’s only faith-driven theater company. If WE don’t do something truly about Christmas, who will? After our sabbatical in 2022, we determined that two Main Stages shows per year would be more realistic for our staff and resources to handle. Because of this, our other two performance slots can be more intimate, flexible and unique. We created the Christmas piece to replace our November Main Stage play, and we developed what we call Out of the Box to be the “wild card” show which will be different each year, and may include dramas and music performed on a variety of non-traditional stages.

But back to Christmas: what exactly IS Longing for the Light? Is it a play? A concert? A set of readings? A worship service?  It is all those things, in fact. We’ve designed this production to be performed in churches, particularly in churches who do not–for whatever reason–have the resources to create and perform their own special Christmas-time production. We wanted our show to have a variety of elements, appeal to all ages, be about the same length as a church service, and be flexible enough to be performed in virtually any sanctuary.

Longing for the Light combines scripture readings, special music, several short dramas, interpretive dance, poetry and congregational carol singing, to tell the Christmas story in a fresh way.  You’ll hear all the familiar Bible passages, from Isaiah’s prophecy to Luke’s accounts of the Annunciation, the birth, the angels and shepherds. There are half a dozen carols for all to sing, two beloved contemporary solos, and two brand-new original songs. There are creative readings and poems. A three-part contemporary drama about a couple traveling at Christmas is woven throughout the evening. And a dialogue between an aging shepherd and his wife provides both laughter and poignancy. The whole show runs about 75 minutes with no intermission.

Redemption Bible Church, at the corner of Stellhorn and Wheelock in northeast Fort Wayne, is hosting Longing for the Light this season. We were invited to do these performances last winter after two of the pastors saw our premiere. Since then, RBC has purchased a new and larger building and are in the midst of planning an April transition. The staff are thrilled to have afO provide the luster of the season while they concentrate on the logistics of renovation and moving. 

While this is being performed at Redemption Bible Church, this event is for the whole community! You can get your tickets HERE.

Performances at Redemption Bible Church, 9019 Stellhorn Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Friday 7:30 PM
Saturday 2:30 PM

Tickets $10; children 12 and under are free – a ticket is still required, just add the free tickets to your cart before you check out

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