As adults, we know that life is unpredictable. There are surprises around each bend in…

Father Brown by Patrick Rieger
Adapted from stories in The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton
Presented by all for One productions at the PPG Artslab September 20 -29, 2024
WHEN: Monday, May 13 at 7:00 PM
with call backs on Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 PM
WHERE: Offices of all for One, 2310 Weisser Park Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN
WHO: 2 women, 6 men (some doubling)
Actor 1: Father Brown, short and unassuming, but very devout, intelligent and observant.
N.B. Father Brown is a man of deep faith. afO, as a Christian organization, prefers not to ask any actor to simulate a faith they do not possess. Therefore, we request that all actors who audition for this role be likewise people of Christian faith.
Actor 2: Flambeau, a famous thief, quite tall. Requires French accent
Actor 3: Chief Inspector George Valentine of Scotland Yard
All three of the above leading actors should look at least 35 years old, but could
be much older, especially Father Brown and Inspector Valentine.
Actor 4: Laura Galloway, attractive, (looks 25 to 40).
Actor 5: Tea Shop Waitress, Mary Barnes, Margaret Stacey. (Looks between 30-50)
Actor 6: Restaurant Manager, Colonel Bohun, Doctor Galloway (Laura’s father–looks 50+)
Actor 7: Officer Brayne, Mad Joe (any age)
Actor 8: Reverend Bohun, Kalon, Ivan (look 35+)
All except Flambeau require a British accent. (Mostly RP*, but some could be Cockney or other regional)
Rehearsals will begin August 1 and continue on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 10:00 PM until tech week. September 16-19 rehearsals in the Artslab and all evening performances have a call time of 6:00 PM.
Have questions? E-mail or call director Lauren Nichols at or 260-246-1989.
*Received pronunciation. Think educated, BBC-type accent. Dialect coaching is available.