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Audition Notice: The Christmas Express
The Christmas Express by Pat Cook. November 11 – 20, 2022
AUDITION: Monday, May 23 at 7:00 PM, at afO’s office/rehearsal hall: 2310 Weisser Park Avenue
Seeking 6 women and 4 men:
HILDA TROWBRIDGE, a grumpy woman who manages the Holly Railway Station (30+)
MAGGIE CLOONEY, a mail carrier (25+)
PENELOPE BLAISEDALE, editor of the local newspaper (30+)
MYRNA HOBSNAGLE, secretary at City Hall and choir director (30+)
DONNA FAY CUMMINGS, a stubborn newlywed (20+)
DEBORAH SMITH, a slightly haggard woman (30+)
SATCH BRUNSWICK, Hilda’s assistant, who has a better outlook on life (30+)
LEO TANNENBAUM, a pixie-ish gentleman. (50+)
MR FAIRFAX, an ominous man (60+)
JERRY CUMMINGS, Donna’s equally stubborn husband (20+)
Piece is to be set in the 1950s in a small Midwestern town. A strong ensemble, all of whom should have decent singing voices, as several carols are sung in parts, acapella.
Be prepared to read from the script and sing your favorite Christmas carol acapella.
Rehearsals 6:30 to 10:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings begin September 26.
A read-through for the whole cast and production staff will take place sometime in July.
For more information contact Lauren at afOartistic@gmail.com or (260) 246-1989.