Our 2013 – 2014 Season
JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED IT ON OUR MAIN WEBSITE, HERE IS OUR SEASON FLYER. For descriptions of the four plays, click here.
Director’s notes and commentary
JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED IT ON OUR MAIN WEBSITE, HERE IS OUR SEASON FLYER. For descriptions of the four plays, click here.
We could not be more thrilled to announce that we have, for the first time, an apprentice director working alongside our Artistic Director, Lauren Nichols, for the entire season. Miss Kayla Reed is no stranger to all for One: She…
You haven't heard much yet about the short one-act which opens our season. Prisoner of Joy is a creative dramatic staging of Paul's letter to the Church at Philippi, in which we see both Paul writing the…
Here are short descriptions of the main historic figures referred to by Luther in A Mighty Fortress. Knowing a bit about them in advance will definitely help you to appreciate the events more thoroughly. There are also some historic terms--some…
This chronology will also appear in the program. For a more complete timeline, check out this website. The events below are only those which are specifically mentioned in the play. Chronology of events from the life of Martin Luther (1483…