Multiple projects
As I drive to the afO office for the third time in four days, I reflect that I don’t recall the last time I was able to work on three distinct projects in such a short span of time. Over…
News and general announcements from AFO
As I drive to the afO office for the third time in four days, I reflect that I don’t recall the last time I was able to work on three distinct projects in such a short span of time. Over…
When: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 7:00 PMWhere: afO offices, 2310 Weisser Park Avenue Fill out online Audition Form View Rehearsal Schedule Script Excerpts What: A Peculiar People (April 21 – 30, 2023) takes us to the Roman Empire and a 1st-…
The cast of The Christmas Express; photo by Rachel Wilhelm Photography As the artistic director of a faith-driven theater, I often find myself walking a theological tightrope when choosing plays for our company. We are always looking for shows with…
Just in time for the start of the holiday season, afO's feel-good comedy chugs into the PPG ArtsLab for two weekends, November 11-13 and 18-20! It's Christmas eve, 1958, in a small town somewhere in the Midwest. Hilda Trowbridge dutifully…
by Lauren Nichols, Artistic Director Antoine de Saint-Exupery's lovely novella, The Little Prince, is a story which repays repeated visits and grows with the reader over time. I first read it in high school, many, many years ago, and was moved…
Here’s a pop quiz question for you: what is the individual book with the second-highest worldwide sales in history, according to Wikipedia’s list of verified book sales? (It’s not the Bible, because their list excludes “all books of a religious, ideological,…
The Little Prince (September 9 – 18, 2022) is an enchanting new adaptation of the classic French children’s novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. An aviator is stranded in the Sahara. A mysterious young boy appears, demanding, “Draw me a sheep.”…
The Christmas Express by Pat Cook. November 11 – 20, 2022 AUDITION: Monday, May 23 at 7:00 PM, at afO’s office/rehearsal hall: 2310 Weisser Park Avenue Seeking 6 women and 4 men: HILDA TROWBRIDGE, a grumpy woman who manages the…
afO is pleased to announce auditions for their 2022-2023 season opener, The Little Prince, a well-known tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, adapted by Rick Cummins and John Scoullar. This play tells the story of a world-weary man whose sputtering plane…