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A Laura Ingalls Wilder Christmas Audition

When: Saturday, August 8, 4:00 pm Where: 3901 South Wayne Ave, Fort Wayne, In 46807  A Laura Ingalls Wilder Christmas (1 Act). Performances: Nov 6-8, 13-15, 20-22, 2020.  Parts: Children: 3 Females: Carrie-7, Laura-9, Mary-11; 1 Male: Johnny Steadman-9  Adults: 2 Females: Ma,…

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For Starters Audition

all for One productions is starting a new podcast program: For Starters: Excerpts of Time-Tested Tales for the Whole Family!This program will be producing dramatic reading excerpts from public domain books in order to encourage listeners to try these well-loved…

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YPF: What you need to know

Who is eligible to enter the Young Playwrights Festival?Any Greater Fort Wayne area public, private or homeschool kindergartner to high school senior. Student must be enrolled in school by September 1. Is teacher involvement required?No. Students can enter on their…

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Donate to afO!

afO is a 501(c)(3) organization, and we depend on your generous donations in order to provide quality, faith-driven theatre to the community. Thank you for your support!

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Advertise in our Playbill

We print high-quality, full-color playbills for each production. If you would like to support afO and advertise your business at the same time, having an ad in our playbill is the way to go.  

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Dramaturgy: An Ideal Husband

aih-final-web-240x300I realize this is after-the-fact, but I wanted to include our thoughts on this production here, for the edification of other theaters who may want to produce this work. 

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish-born poet, novelist and playwright, best known for his daring psychological thriller/morality tale, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and his hilarious but insubstantial comedy play, The Importance of Being Earnest.
Wilde is widely acknowledged to have had a genius intellect. He spoke and read several languages and took double first class honors at Oxford (roughly equivalent to earning two simultaneous bachelor’s degrees, magna cum laude). He read widely and deeply, and loved the Classics, especially Greek literature. He also exhibited a lifelong fascination with the Catholic Church, read the Bible and St. Augustine while in jail, and requested a priest to administer Last Rites on his death bed.

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